Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hey there!

I haven't posted anything for a very long time. I guess I've been so preoccupied
with other things. I have a hard time staying inside when it's been so nice out.

We are hosting church at our house tomorrow since 2 of the larger families in our group are going to Auburn for a baptism. Our house is so tiny, so it is a little bit impractical to have church here. If it's nice out I thought we could go to the park to have lunch.
We have been having alot of afternoon thunderstorms here. Nevada county has warnings for severe weather. I wouldn't mind if it would rain a little here, but PLEASE don't hail! I have been working way to hard in my garden and things are looking sooo nice.

And my little babies are getting really big. They really are quite intertaining and are getting hard to catch. I let them out in the yard and they just eat bugs and things and sleep under the porch. Recently I needed to leave so into the box they needed to go. I caught all but the biggest one, Howard :). I simply could NOT catch him! Fine! so I left him for a short time seperated from his brother and sisters. When I came back outside he simply waddled up to me as if he were asking to be put into the box with the others! He did not try to run away this time. :) It was very comical.
As many of you know Will and I have not been able to have a baby yet. This has been somewhat of a struggle for me. Oddley, but standing to reason, hatching these little fellow seems to have satisfied that mothering instict in me. I would suggest to anyone who might be struggling with the same thing to try something like this. Maybe it's silly, but it sure has brought me joy!

We also recently went up to Alturas to visit Mom and Dad. Their place is lovely. They work everyday planting trees and adding things out in the yard. Mom recently told me that she got a bike and has been riding it to work. Way to go Mom!!

And William... is fishing. :) It is his new summer obsession. (I am glad)
He found a great fishing hole and has been bringing home loads of fish. I found a great way to cook them. Simply place cleaned fish in a baking dish, add a cup of water, slice some lemons and put them inside the fish with a couple slabs of butter and salt and pepper. Do the same on top, bake at 350 uncovered for 15 minutes and wallah!
Unfortunatly Les Schwab is low on work so they needed to lay the new guy, William off. Thankfully it gives Will a chance to get caught up with his window clients. And he is on call in case they get busy.
I am proud of his accomplishments. The other day a customer called just to thank him for the great job that he did on their windows. This really blessed me.

So that's about it for now... I have been trying to not download my pictures straight onto our computer and need to figure out how to get them on CD. So my apologize for not having to many new pics on. I have so many I'd love to share, but you'll just have to bear with me I guess.

Well, by for now...


Monday, May 11, 2009

Another day...

Will and I spent the evening yesterday with his cousin Daniel and girlfriend Taegen. We went to her church at Living Stones in Reno. A converted Muslim man preached about the difference between trying to live our lives to perfection to please God or applying the blood of Jesus' Sacrifice, by faith and being perfect through Him. The muslim faith is about works, but Christianity is about accepting a "work" that was already done for us. The result of accepting this work is a life of love and sacrifice because of what he has done for us... if we love God we will keep his commandments, if we love God we will love the brethren.
We got somethig to eat and had a good time hanging out and getting to know Taegen. She is a very happy, talkative, lovely person. Daniel really lights up around her.
Came home and conked out.
And today.... guess I'll try to bake some cookies - ginger snaps! Don't really know what else I'll do, but am happy for the new day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Poem - by Sarah


I can’t quite wrap my mind around
The story of creation.
Nor can I comprehend in full
Your wonderful salvation!

Too great for me to understand;
I read your wondrous story.
My God; you are my awesome God!
Died? For me to be set free?

I look at you with endless awe.
My thoughts are admiration.
Oh how can I express my thanks
For your most true creation?

I will live for your glory Lord;
And tell my friends and brothers:
Repent and serve the one true God,
Whose name’s above all others!

Oh, your love is too amazing.
Your love is so eternal.
I could try my utmost – best—
I can’t explain supernal!!!

Sarah Suzanne Greenwood

The Church at Beckwourth - Snapshots

A Letter From Grace!

This is not Alexis! I guess that is a fitting way to start!
This is Grace, I am Alexis' cousin-in-law!
I just uploaded all the new pictures from my computer. BTW Alexis is at my house. I did not somehow get her password and am writing on her blog!
My cousin is William. My mom and his mom are sisters.
Today I baked bread with Alexis, made peanut butter and did lots of laundry!
I don't know why or what else to write, so i will blog off now!
Here is some advice-----be friendly!
love Grace

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Wonderful Friend and Sister-in-Law!!!

Here's to Bonnie! My beautiful friend, Sister in Jesus, sister-in-law, enemy (just kidding) and shopping comrade! My life would be very, very dull without her. After all I wouldn't have anybody to tell me 4 hour dreams, anyone to spaz on me and give me bruises, anyone to read me really long poems about weird things, anyone to tell me all about the boys she likes, or have anyone to shop at night with.

I remember when William and I were dating and I lived with their family. Bonnie and I started out sharing a room and realized that it was not a smart thing to do. I ended up bunking with Bernice on the top bunk in the little girls room since that made for a little more peace and sanity. Boy oh boy am I glad that stage is over. We used to fight soooooo much. I am really glad that we both have matured and are able to be close as sisters now.

She is 17 and I am 26. It's weird to remember when she was a little girl and used to hug me after church. I wonder how the future will be for us? William was married at 18 and Bonnie is only a year away from that. I guess I don't really see that happening anytime soon, but I do hope she finds a great man. Someone who has a lot of time to listen and can put up with being "oodied"! :)


Well sorry to disappoint every one, but I am NOT pregnant... Yes I have been sick, but only with a weird respiratory thing! But... Caitlin is! This is very exciting, but very scary. She seems to be doing all right and is excited. I told her that she needs to really try to have a positive outlook. I am a believer that how we view things mentally can affect our physical body.
The reason this is such big news to us is that last year, in October, Caitlin gave birth to Gavin, a very small but beautiful little boy. He was too premature to make it through the birth. This was a very sad time for our family. She is not 100% certain as to what caused her to go into labour at 51/2 months, but is going to go to a better doctor. I pray that this pregnancy will go smoothly. So... this is the news. But when I do get pregnant, do know that I will tell... :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

La De Da....

Sure isn't much going on today. I am home and Will went to church. I haven't been feeling the greatest so here I am!
I went to a woman's retreat at the Baptist Station yesterday. Was very enjoyable and I was glad to get to know some other women.
It is raining. I love the rain!
Oh and our turkey started laying eggs... quite a surprise! Not sure what turkey eggs taste like...
And that is about it...

Oh and I do have other news....
But maybe I will wait a few days to write about it.... :) ????