Sunday, December 19, 2010

The One Stop Produce Shop

Maui shopping took a little to get used to. Groceries are little more expensive, there is no denying that. But after figuring it out it really isn't that bad. There is one Costco on the island, one Walmart (extremely old school - not a Super Walmart) and a couple Safeway's and Foodland's. I find that Costco works great for most things, and Walmart for the small necessities. But when it comes to produce this is my favorite shopping place. Located between Costco and Kmart they are here almost everyday. They have a good assortment of stuff, both local and non-local. I get to buy local tomato's from Kula - a big bag, for 5 bucks. Pretty much 20 dollars gets me what I need for more than a week. It's great!

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